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Actions, conditions and expressions to handle variables, from simple variables like the player score, the number of remaining lives to complex variables containing arbitrary data like an inventory or the result of a web request. Read more explanations about it.


Clear children
Remove all the children from the structure or array variable.

Clear children
Remove all the children from the global structure or array variable.

Add existing variable
Adds an existing variable at the end of a global array variable.

Add boolean variable
Adds a boolean at the end of a global array variable.

Add number variable
Adds a number at the end of a global array variable.

Add text variable
Adds a text (string) at the end of a global array variable.

Remove variable by index
Removes a variable at the specified index of a global array variable.

Remove a child
Remove a child from a global structure variable.

Change number variable
Modify the number value of a global variable.

Change text variable
Modify the text (string) of a global variable.

Change number variable
Modify the number value of a scene variable.

Change text variable
Modify the text (string) of a scene variable.

Add boolean variable
Adds a boolean at the end of an array variable.

Add variable array value
Adds a number at the end of an array variable.

Add text variable
Adds a text (string) at the end of a array variable.

Add existing variable
Adds an existing variable at the end of an array variable.

Remove variable by index
Removes a variable at the specified index of an array variable.

Remove a child
Remove a child from a structure variable.

Add existing variable
Adds an existing variable at the end of a scene array variable.

Add boolean variable
Adds a boolean at the end of a scene array variable.

Add number variable
Adds a number at the end of a scene array variable.

Add text variable
Adds a text (string) at the end of a scene array variable.

Remove variable by index
Removes a variable at the specified index of a scene array variable.

Change boolean variable
Modify the boolean value of a variable.

Change boolean variable
Modify the boolean value of a global variable.

Change variable value
Modify the number value of a variable.

Change boolean variable
Modify the boolean value of a scene variable.

Change text variable
Modify the text (string) of a variable.

Toggle boolean variable
Toggle the boolean value of a global variable.
If it was true, it will become false, and if it was false it will become true.

Toggle boolean variable
Toggle the boolean value of a scene variable.
If it was true, it will become false, and if it was false it will become true.

Clear children
Remove all the children from the scene structure or array variable.

Remove a child
Remove a child from a scene structure variable.


Variable value
Compare the boolean value of a variable.

Boolean variable
Compare the boolean value of a global variable.

Number of children
Compare the number of children in a global array variable.

Child existence
Check if the specified child of the global structure variable exists.

Variable value
Compare the number value of a variable.

Boolean variable
Compare the boolean value of a scene variable.

Number of children
Compare the number of children in a scene array variable.

Variable value
Compare the text (string) of a variable.

Number variable
Compare the number value of a global variable.

Text variable
Compare the text (string) of a global variable.

Number variable
Compare the number value of a scene variable.

Text variable
Compare the text (string) of a scene variable.

Number of children
Compare the number of children in an array variable.

Child existence
Check if the specified child of the scene structure variable exists.

Child existence
Check if the specified child of the structure variable exists.


Expression Description
GlobalVariable(global variable) Number value of a global variable
🗄️ Global variable Name of the global variable
GlobalVariableChildCount(global variable) Number of children in a global array or structure variable
🗄️ Global variable Array or structure variable
GlobalVariableFirstNumber(global variable) Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable
🗄️ Global variable Array variable
GlobalVariableFirstString(global variable) Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.
🗄️ Global variable Array variable
GlobalVariableLastNumber(global variable) Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable
🗄️ Global variable Array variable
GlobalVariableLastString(global variable) Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.
🗄️ Global variable Array variable
GlobalVariableString(global variable) Text of a global variable
🗄️ Global variable Variable
SceneVariableFirstNumber(scene variable) Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.
🗄️ Scene variable Array variable
SceneVariableFirstString(scene variable) Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).
🗄️ Scene variable Array variable
SceneVariableLastNumber(scene variable) Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.
🗄️ Scene variable Array variable
SceneVariableLastString(scene variable) Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).
🗄️ Scene variable Array variable
Variable(scene variable) Number value of a scene variable
🗄️ Scene variable Variable
VariableChildCount(variable) Number of children in a scene array or structure variable
🗄️ Any variable Array or structure variable
VariableFirstNumber(variable) Get the value of the first element of an array variable, if it is a number.
🗄️ Any variable Array variable
VariableFirstString(variable) Get the value of the first element of an array variable, if it is a text (string).
🗄️ Any variable Array variable
VariableLastNumber(variable) Get the value of the last element of an array variable, if it is a number.
🗄️ Any variable Array variable
VariableLastString(variable) Get the value of the last element of an array variable, if it is a text (string).
🗄️ Any variable Array variable
VariableString(scene variable) Text of a scene variable
🗄️ Scene variable Variable

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Variables feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.